
An internal web tool designed for the entire company and its partners, enabling seamless administrative tasks, client management, transaction handling, and product configuration.


•  User Experience (UX)
•  User Interface (UI) designer


•  Prototypes
•  Surveys & user tests
•  Userflows
•  Design systems
•  Usability tests

Tools used

•  Figma
•  FigJam
•  MUI


While using pre-made software is an option for managing a project, when aiming to sell your end-product as a white-label, a customized management and configuration space bundled with it becomes essential. Those who collaborated with me had prior experience with similar apps, so grasping the primary functionality was clear from the beginning. We began work after the product's prototype went live, allowing us to gradually merge essential features and test them iteratively.

Design approach

In essence, the tool had to resemble several small projects within a larger space, catering to the requirements of different teams. Given the extensive list of required and potential functionalities, thorough implementation and careful consideration were essential for each topic. Creating distinct user personas wasn't necessary, considering there might always be people handling various tasks, from accessing customer data to managing payments and technical aspects, all simultaneously. Therefore, it became crucial to map out the flow of every potential task and its integration within the overall product management process.

Creating structure

Key areas were: •  Working with customer data, verification, account history and logs,
•  Monitoring and handling transactions,
•  Setting up payment methods and payment channels,
•  Adding and modifying games and arranging them into categories,
•  Managing events, bonuses, promo codes,
•  Configuring technical things that I can’t even pronounce.

Heightening user empathy

The analysis revealed that only specific sections, such as the customer and transaction pages, were directly impacted by website events, while the rest constituted a passive structure within the product. Attention was crucially directed toward the active components, particularly payment transactions. Despite their reversibility, implementing additional layers of protection against human errors remained a priority. The primary challenge often originated from the volume of data and the functionalities supporting it. Users unfamiliar with the tool regularly felt overwhelmed and disoriented, as anticipated. Therefore, it was consistently prioritized to gather and consider feedback, aiming to progressively shape a more intuitive information hierarchy.
customer management userflow
zoom button Customer management flow
administrative userflow
zoom button Administrative flow

Visualizing a seamless integration

Building on insights from colleagues experienced in using similar tools for similar products, our approach largely revolved around working with hypotheses on functionalities and a dash of inspiration from online design resources. Thankfully, everyone was on the same page to create a lightweight and intuitive tool. Although the tool was ultimately meant to be integrated into a marketable product, its initial use within our team justified our decision to develop it just with the in-house feedback.
list of admin tools on desktop Design inspiration

Understanding the intuitive

Once our design prototypes were ready, we promptly engaged team members for feedback and brainstorming sessions. They immersed themselves in the designs, simulating real-world usage with possible data and various scenarios. This method proved unusually effective, since the primary measure for testers was a logical layout and intuitive information hierarchy. Adapting to the software's complexity was anticipated, as is typical with complicated tools. Another benefit of such approach - it was very time-efficient due to an urgent need (nothing new).
desktop wireframe designs Wireframe trials

Establishing a design system

Aiming for a clean and visually appealing outcome, we quickly selected neutral and inclusive colours. Our focus predominantly centred on developing a versatile design system, aiming for adaptability to accommodate various data types efficiently. We planned out essential components to support a wide selection of scenarios across the site. The challenge laid in anticipating size variations of incoming data and integrating associated functionalities seamlessly with these components. As it was exclusively intended for desktop use, our focus remained dedicated to that platform alone. We had plans for a compact mobile overview dashboard, but those were set for the future, waiting until the major part of the tool to be finalized.
high fidelity destop designs
zoom button Initial hi-fi designs, left to right: customer profile, game configuration
high fidelity destop designs
zoom button Initial hi-fi designs, left to right: payment method configuration, reports popup

Trying new things

We relied on this design for a considerable amount of time until the announcement of new significant features. Using the moment, we started the transition from our custom structure to a pre-made framework. We configured it to seamlessly accommodate existing features and prepped for upcoming additions. We not only designed, tested, and implemented new features into the updated framework but also had the flexibility to modify the framework itself to accommodate functionalities it initially couldn't support.
high fidelity destop designs
zoom button Final designs, left to right: customer profile, customer search with an advanced filtering
high fidelity destop designs
zoom button Final designs, left to right: game configuration popup, integrations scheduler popup

Next steps

Unfortunately, the project was put on hold mid-development. One significant advantage we realized was the power of in-house testing, with actual users sitting alongside the designer. When the project resumes, conducting easy usability tests is valuable, but they might carry biased views. The challenge lies in testing with unbiased users who lack similar experiences or context. While it's possible to have them complete tasks like finding a specific button, simulating real scenarios' pressure is a different story.

Lessons Learned

1. Utilizing a premade framework is significantly more time-efficient, approximately tenfold faster than building one from scratch (no surprises there). Surprisingly, these frameworks can be moulded to suit your needs with minor adjustments. 2. Simulating high-stress scenarios, such as time constraints resembling fraudulent activities or transaction errors, provides notably different outcomes. However, it's vital to acknowledge that such scenarios don't always reflect the norm, as most work occurs in a more relaxed environment.